So if you know me, you know its no secret that I covet my neighbors baby. Like I have mad baby fever. And no I'm not one of those girls that planned out her life and decided that at 22.34yrs I would marry and at 24.75yrs I would have twin girls named lemonjello and oranjello (say with an accent so it sounds like LA-MONjallo) and have been collecting swatches of pink fabric for their nursery since I was 10 (not that that's a bad thing if that's what YOU did). But I have always liked kids and they (along with little furry animals and strangers who need to tell their life stories to someone) have always had a freakish affinity for me.
So you can't blame me for wanting a squishy little one of my own right? No you can't. What you can fault me for is the way in which I have been planning on obtaining one said baby.
As of right now the current plan is to take my biggest purse to a well populated baby area and collect one adorable small child into said purse and then run away. I do understand that there are some flaws in this plan (ie felony abduction, inability to run fast enough and such) but it seems so easy sometimes.
Tired parents/nannies + super cute babies wandering around aimlessly + one giant purse + one baby snatcher = happy sarah.
Ok people, obviously I'm not stealing a baby (right now). And my friends and SP have put the kabash on the baby snatching jokes in public (apparently its like SO not kosher to joke about stealing babies - right up there with joking about bombs in airports or something).
I did go to a supercool baby shower on Saturday though that only fueled my desire for small squishy people. I guess its good that all these people around me are having babies right now so that I can borrow them instead of stealing one... I don't know though...I do have a pretty big purse right now =)
In other good (and more socially acceptable) news - the sun came out tonight. And thus I (and the rest of the known world) rejoiced for many hours. SP and I even took furball to the river for a run - which really hurt p.s.
Upcoming life highlights:
- 5k this weekend (hahahahah - ouch is all I have to say to that)
- Monterey :)
- Orphan Easter (wherein good friends come over to finally see the apartment and eat good food)
Fun stuff!