Wednesday, April 18, 2012

It Get's Better - The BYU Edition

I know this has already made the rounds and I'm late on the blog-wagon.  But I had an internal struggle about whether or not to say something about it here.  As I (believe it or not!) like to keep blogland semi-neutral.

Needless to say, or maybe need to say, this video really really moved me.  I'm not sure my commentary would really add anything to this video, as it is pretty profound on it's own, so I'll keep it short and just tell you what this video meant to me.

SP comes from a Mormon family and I grew up practicing Catholic.  We both learned a great deal from the respective faiths that we grew up in and I think that we would not be ourselves without that background.  However we both found that those faith backgrounds did not match with our current selves.  Part of the reason for that is because we are together and our respective faiths look less then favorably on us for that.  I won't speak for SP, but leaving my church because I felt alienated from it simply for being who I am was devastatingly hard.  And I still dabble with the idea of going back - because I am still deeply spiritual and as my mother has always told me, the biggest changes happen from within, and not from leaving.  Right now it's not a possibility for me.  Because I simply can't reconcile the hurt feelings - and that's for me to grow on.

The events that have taken place in my life in the last 6 months have made me part of the "it get's better" statistics.  SP and I have experienced our fair of share of struggles, but things really have changed for the better, against what seemed to be unmovable odds (and that's called God & the Universe kickin' me in the rear again!...thinking I know things and stuff)

To me this video is hope.  Things that seem unchangeable - change.  Hearts turn.  People grow.  My optimism is vindicated! (jk...sort of)  Sure it's a drop in the bucket and I'm sure it's controversial (I can't even begin to fathom the courage it took for the individuals in the video to expose themselves in that way, a big kudos to all of them!) but it's a drop that makes a lot of ripples.  And I hope they are ripples of good.

This life is short.  Let's all be a little better to one another today.

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